
Alan and I went round to Debbie's again this morning to see if we could see the fox cubs, but we only saw one and very briefly so after an hour we called it a day.

We then went to the Llama farm in the Ashdown forest as I'd seen that it was their annual shearing day of the Llamas and Alpacas.  The Llamas had already been sheared but the Alpacas were in a pen ready to be done.  I think they knew what was going to happen as they were making very funny 'worried' noises, they were very comical!  I'd bought a bag of food and after feeding them and having a wander to see the Llamas, we sat and had a hot chocolate and a coffee while we waited for the shearing to begin.

I expected them to be sheared stood up, but that wasn't the case - they had ropes that they attached to their front and back legs and then they lay them on their stomachs with their front legs stretched out in front of them and their back legs behind them.  Some of them were very calm, but others were groaning the whole time, the poor things.  The shearer's had loud music playing, obviously to drown out the groans or maybe it was to try and distract them, but it was soon over and done and they were back in the pen.  The majority of them didn't appear to be stressed, but this chap seemed completely traumatised, and just stood in the pen frozen to the spot for some time.  We left them to it and went for a walk around the farm, and had to laugh at the pigs - have a look at my extra! 

The rest of the afternoon has just been spent chilling out at home, I cooked a joint of beef and had an early dinner which was very nice, even if I do say so myself :-)

A funny thing happened today, you may remember when we flew to Dubai, one of the air stewards looked like Freddie Mercury and I added a photo of him to my extras.  Well, I posted his photo on my Instagram, and somehow he's seen it and tagged himself in it.  I asked if it was him and he said yes!  How he's found it is amazing considering I didn't know who he was - I guess he looks at anything with the hashtag '#emirates'.

Anyway,  I've got behind on comments again, so I'd better try and catch up, hope you're having a good weekend!

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