Play Time

I got up and went for a swim at 8.30am, however I swam indoors today as despite the sun, it's been really windy and cold.  On my way home I called at Debbie's to see if the fox cubs were around - they weren't at first, but as we were stood chatting I saw some movement in the bushes and they all came out.

Mum was sunbathing whilst keeping an eye on her four cubs who were chasing and leaping around.  It was difficult to get any decent shots as they were very distant and of course kept moving and were really fast.  It was amazing to see them though, and I'm going back tomorrow to see if I can get some better shots.

We've not done much else today, but had a lazy day which suited Alan as he's still jet lagged. I went to the supermarket to do a food shop and managed to dodge the showers, we've had all four seasons I think today, including sleet!

Brighton Fringe has started this weekend and Ben, one of the guys who helps run the Brighton Skies group is guesting at one of the Artist's Open Houses with his photography and has invited us to his preview party tonight so I'd better go and get ready.  Have a lovely evening!

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