Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Friday — Suppertime

The pups are lined-up for mealtime, and they can’t be bothered with a glance toward the camera. They are eating on what used to be called the patio.

Several weeks ago the patio slab (which is 40 years old) was converted into a sunroom. We are pleased with the result, but not quite finished with the conversion.

Next we are having some doors replaced; one that is the entrance into the kitchen and one that is the entrance into the garage. Then the painter will work on the stucco on the two walls that used to be outside; he will smooth the rough outdoor surface and repair all holes and dings and then paint. After that the flooring will be laid. Then the window coverings will be ordered (I have already selected the product and gotten the estimate for the coverings and have just received a call that let me know the product has gone “on special” for this second quarter of the year—a 10% reduction).

Honestly, I did not factor how much all of the other items would cost when we started the sunroom project (that’s pretty stupid or possibly naive). We did need the doors even without the room.

We were quoted an incredibly decent price for the room. We originally were just considering a patio cover. When we were told a quote for the room, we said “Yes” maybe a bit too quickly, but oh well. Each part has been paid for as we’ve completed it, and I am still full time employed; so, hooray!

That’s my Friday story!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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