Northern Exposure

By Northern

Another rainy window pic...

...but this time out of the car window.

Kids were sent home early from school as the police were closing the barriers around 2pm due to the gale force winds and high tides.

I got a call from a friend to say there had been a communications hiccup and their son, who should have been staying in Kirkwall for a theatre performance this evening had gone on the bus by mistake. So I picked up the kids from the bus and made a mad dash back over the barriers to drop them on the other side so they could be picked up and taken back into town.

The way over was OK but the trip back around 10 minutes later was just slightly nerve wracking. Thankfully the tide wasn't that high yet so it was mainly spray at that point but when I stopped on the other side to take pics I was talking to the police and coastguard who were just about to close the road so I'd got through just in time.

Of course once I got back I realised that myself and the boys are supposed to be going to the theatre tonight to see the afore mentioned performance and I should just have gone into town at the same time. Now we are at home and waiting for high tide around 4pm to see if it will be safe to cross later.

And people wonder what we do for kicks on an island in the North Sea...?

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