Northern Exposure

By Northern


I made a panettone. It's a bit well fired and not quite the right shape and the shots were all out of focus but it smells good and does look vaguely panattoneish so I'm quite chuffed with myself really.

It was decided we'd go for one of these instead of a more traditional xmas cake this year. As it normally gets eaten by xmas houseguests and we're not having any this year. So a request for a chocolate panettone was made - mainly due to number one son not being keen on dried fruit.

This one was a practice one - it's mocha, chocolate chips and pine nuts. I'll make one another one at the weekend for us, probably going to leave out the coffee and just go for chocolate to keep everyone happy. I've given this to a friend as part of her xmas. I hope it tastes OK, she says she'll report back on whether the mocha part works or not.

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