Christie Bairns Bus Stop

That cold breeze is still blowing, but at least it's been a sunny and dry day .

Another day working on the museum desk.  It was a steady morning, but a quieter afternoon.  I've mostly been working with photos.  A quiet evening, some walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later. 

I popped down the road at lunchtime.  A brisk walk  and also a chance to check on the trees I planted.  The trees seem to be doing really well.  As I was heading back to my car, I walked by our old bus stop.  Before the bus shelter arrived in the early 1990s, this is were me and my siblings would stand, waiting on the primary school bus to arrive.  A day like today is fine, but it wasn't so pleasant  when  the rain was lashing down.  Taken at Andy's, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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