Hillside Manse

Another lovely sunny day, but still a chill coming off the sea.  

Spent the morning with Julie and family.  Packed up the caravan after breakfast.  Julie and mam spent some time in her garden, so we went for a run in the car.  Had lunch, and said our goodbyes for this trip.  Mam, dad and Elise came down too, and had tea with us.  The evening was spent weeding in the garden, and potted up foxgloves for friends.  I seem to have millions!  Walkies with Sammy, and now feet up by the fire. 

I've blipped this old manse before, and last time I was here, I could go inside and even up the stairs.  Since my last look, the old slate roof has collapsed, and also the upper floor has fallen down.  Sad to watch it's decay, and turn into a dangerous building.  The former Hillside Manse, for the Methodist Kirk, Baltasound, Unst.  

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