Ring Tail Lemurs
"You know", said the one on the left, rich with the experience of her one month old baby, "you need to eat more of this sweet potato. You've got two to feed there".
I nipped into Bristol Zoo today, despite it being school holidays and therefore full of noisy sugar filled children, to see the new baby lemurs. They're only a couple of days old. They're not actually twins; they were born to two mothers but so close together they're being looked after together by the mothers.
It was delightful to have them scampering over our heads, but in fact it was so sunny I had a struggle with the highlights. Black and white creatures (even the babies have ringed tails) are not easy to capture in bright sunshine.
The roadworks have got down as far as our lane now. Tomorrow we will be trapped until they pass. Did I mention my trip to Birmingham tomorrow afternoon?
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