Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Rowan & Jack

Today I did home visits first thing. I really enjoy them as the people are interesting and I like looking how they live. One couple had an immaculate house with cream sofas, beige carpets, perfect curtains....I told her I would love such a perfect home but with three boys, a dog, a's not going to happen for a long time!!

I also had a word with my manager about how mind numbingly boring I had found working at the health centre last week. I told her I really wasn't keen to go there again but was happy to cover for holidays etc. 90% of the other girls in the hospital are happy to go so there is plenty of cover for it. My boss said not to worry about it and that they'd just put me down as stand-by. Yeah! Everyone else who has been so far loves it!! Happy days.

Arrived home to find Rowan had his little buddy for tea, Jack. I am not the best cook in the world so just threw some egg fried rice and sausage together. Jack fidgited with his food and then said he didn't like it. He's usually pretty easy to please. I asked if he just wanted some soup or cheese on toast? No thanks. What about a sandwich? No. I was getting desperate...a banana? No thanks. All he had was a drink! When his Mum called to collect him, I said how bad I felt that he hadn't eaten a thing. She said he'd been ill with diarrhoea and vomiting for the past five days and so hadn't been eating much. He'd been off school for a couple of days and this was his first day back. He was chirpy and his usual jokey self but he'd no appetite. I didn't feel so bad then.

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