Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Today was a good Sunday. I could enjoy lounging around in the morning...we all had (veggie) bacon butties for "brunch" and I got to browse the newspapers in peace.

Around midday, myself and the boys decided that we would go into town and buy Christmas presents for them with the money Grandparents had given for this purpose. Ohhh...not my idea of fun but it had to be done. Lewis spotted at pair of headphones at £100. I tried to convince him that it was a lot to pay for headphones and, as he'd wanted about three things with the same amount of money, it meant they would be the one present he could afford. We moved on to other shops....Jed and Rowan chose plenty with their money and then we went back to the first shop where Lewis chose the headphones. The shop assistant said "Back again?!" I was a bit taken aback as it was a really busy day so there were plenty of customers but even more so that one boy had stayed in the car this time and yet he still recognised us from some hours before!!! We probably looked like a bunch of shoplifters, mooching around, and so they'd been keeping a special eye on us. The assistant told me that, if I spent another penny, I would be entitled to a £10 voucher...mmm, what would they have for a penny?! He said I could buy a screwdriver for 20p so I did and got the voucher....then I put the voucher towards a turntable for myself which converts vinyl to MP3s. I already had one but had lost the softwear and never used it. Now I have another one with softwear and hopefully I will get around to using it before I lose this one!

Stopped off at Mums on the way home with Christmas cards. Ate lots of chocolate liquers (me, not the boys) and took a lovely picture of Baxter!

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