Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Maybe not his best angle...looks very chubby here....anyway, he's cost me a small fortune this past week! Last Monday, I noticed that his cheek was twice the size of the other cheek. I knew it was an abscess and my first thought that it was caused by his teeth and that it would mean an operation at the vets, etc. I couldn't imagine how he was still managing to eat and drink...which he was. I took him to the vets and she whipped him into a back room to pop and drain the abscess...lovely. Then she said that she would have to give it a really good wash out and could he stay in overnight so that they could do that first thing? I was off to Edinburgh the next day but my wonderful Dad could pick him up for me the following day. So I left Rex with the vet.

The following day I was in the loos at Waverley station and the vet phoned me to say that she hadn't had to use anaesthetic to drain the abscess and that she'd managed to give it a really good clean out so he was ready to collect! I phoned my Dad and he went straight for him. The cost was just under £45. I was well impressed. Rex then had to be given antibiotics, orally. He was quite good really....seeing as he was wrapped in a towel with just his head sticking out, he wasn't able to do much. By the second day he wasn't having any of it and just getting hold of him in the hutch was an ordeal in itself. We managed though. I took him back to the vets on Friday and the vet whipped him into the back again to pull the scab off his cheek so that the wound would be open for any remaining pus to drain out. Lovely. No charge this time...well impressed again. This is what he looks like today....looking pretty good to me. I have to take him to the vets again tomorrow and I'm hoping he will get the all clear.

Work was fine. It's the time of year when there is always an outbreak of norovirus but I think I'm immune to it all....she said with fingers crossed!

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