
'X' is for X-Rays! ;-)

I had lots and lots of them as well as sonars and blood profiles done in August, can't believe it's only 4 months ago, feels like forever and a day!! Thank goodness it's done and dusted!!

Our dear Lillian is back in our lives! Shd had to go home to sort problems out wifh her elderly mother and was away for just over 9 months! We really missed each other dearly, it feels like our lost child came back!! God bless!!

I had a bit of a tougher day today, suppose it is the 'normal' aftermath still, in my mind things should just be plain sailing now, since I had my last treatment 12 days ago, silly me!! Of course my body will still be attacked and broken down by the last one!! Eisch!! But I am sure the turning point is not toooo far away now!! ;-)

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