Great Egret Baby

Ronnie took us for a boat ride on the dam this morning! Whoohoo, one of the most exciting days of the year for me! Thank you my dear children, I enjoyed it thoroughly! We were out and back in 2 hours, returned home before we were too tired! LOL!

Charmaine steered the boat for a little while, Ronnie's training her too, and she enjoyed it very much. He directed her to the 'Bird's Island' where I snapped lots of birds before, and today was a real treat! I've never seen so many young birds on the island before, the trees are heavily loaded with chicks of different ages! Wish I could show you more photos, but this one stole my heart, Charmaine and Ronnie chose this one as well!

Check Wikipedia for more about them!

A lovely thunderstorm is approaching fast now again and we are so relaxed, I think we are going to sleep like babies tonight! ;-)

'One year ago' - quite different from today! ;-)

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