A Shock to See Peacock

We used to have two options to get a peacock fix. The Red Barn Flea Market, and a subdivision out near the gulf. Both places made the decision to have the peacocks relocated.

So, when we saw this pair today at the flea market, we were real surprised. We probably haven't seen them there for 5 years. But, something was amiss.

Pulled into the market at one o'clock,
and saw a pair of pretty peacocks.
They walked in the rubble,
but I knew there was trouble...
'Cuz the chain link was a roadblock.

They paced back and forth along the fence-line, looking for a way to get on the other side of the fence...which raises a couple of questions. Could one of them not fly, or...did they forget how they got through the fence?

I took a few pictures, and tried to warn them about the relocation process. I couldn't tell whether they understood it or not.

I really had to crop this because of the rubble.

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