A Pair of Dreamers

Fred was talking to his mate Ethel.

"The way we fish
is such a chore.
Just think what we could do...
if we could work an oar."

"We have to wade in,
we have to get wet.
Just think what we could do...
if we had a net."

"Flying and fishing
can be such a grinder.
Just think what we could do...
if we had a fish finder."

"We have to fish the inlets,
we have to fish the shoals.
Just think what we could do...
if we had some fishing poles."

"When fishing, we have to concentrate,
when fishing, we have to dote.
Just think what we could do...
if we had a fishing boat."

"We're  always begging for bait fish,
including shrimp and prawn.
Just think what we could do...
if we were hired by Captain Shawn."

It's always good to dream.

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