
This afternoon I went to Musselburgh for my walk. Musselburgh is a nice place for a little collie pup. I had a walk along the river on my lead and then we went down to the beach. Ann was brave enough to let me off my lead for 5 mins so I had a great time zooming around. Every time Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I went racing back to her for a treat. But then guess what happened..................... a big black Labrador/poodle thing came along and I wanted to play with him so I just ignored Ann when she shouted, 'Trixie come'. I got put back on my lead after that. Apparently I've got to go to Ann the minute she calls me. ….............Even if playing with other dogs is more exciting than getting a treat from Ann??!!

And in other news....................... Ann has done two 'meet & greets' today and each time she has said, 'Trixie, I'm going out. Go in your bed.' And I have. How good is that? And the other thing.................. I no longer cry when Ann leaves me 'home alone'. I just accept that when I'm 'home alone' I can have uninterrupted snooze time, though sometimes Ann gives me a kong filled with tasty treats.

To be honest........................... for a four and a half month old little pup; I'm actually doing really well. I'm starting to understand Ann when she talks to me. Sometimes she calls me Molly by mistake, but I don't mind. I know that MollyCollie will always have a special place in her heart, but do you know what.................. I'm secure enough to know that Ann loves me too. I'm good in the car, I sleep right through the night, I'm sociable, I can be left 'home alone' for 4-5 hours, I can play with my toys independently, I haven't chewed anything of importance, I don't do inappropriate barking, I'm very cuddly and affectionate...........................…

…......................Oh and to turn a negative into a positive........................ I had a wee this morning at 8.15am and then I didn't have another one until 5.15pm. I know, I know, you're probably getting fed up reading about my toileting habits. To last 9 hours is pretty impressive for a little pup don't you think? And no, I haven't had any little accidents in the flat today.

It will be really interesting to see my Blip a year from today. I bet I will be the most perfect pooch ever???????????????????????

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