
By HareBrain

The Telford Time Machine

Its been a long day. Up early to get some breakfast for Mr. T before I took him to the local hospital for day surgery where I got him settled before his op in the afternoon and then I decided to take a bus to the shopping centre rather than go in the car. What a mistake; the bus took ages going all round the houses through areas I have heard lots about but never frequented but nevertheless very interesting!! However once at my destination I managed to finish the C present shopping, have a coffee and marvel at the The Telford Time Machine.

The TTM is a clock set on a gantry that gives an elaborate automated performance every hour on the hour. At the right end of the gantry a forge complete with bellows makes gold balls representing sunshine. Every third minute a wheel and pendulum move the balls along the gantry to a huge frog which sits on top of the clock. A hammer sends the ball into the clock case, where they emerge out the other side, roll down a helter-skelter and back into the case. On the hour the frog rotates and blows bubbles, as it does this a display of leaves fans out behind it. On the half hour the clock plays music that combines industrial and natural sounds as well as the frog's Latin name 'Rana Temporaria'. (Text pinched from the net, Geograph, but I can't get the link to work). I wonder if Geograph know that sadly the frog no longer blows bubbles on the hour?

My journey back to the hospital on the bus was just as adventurous but as it was getting dark and pouring with rain the bus was all steamed up so there were no views to take in, just the views of some of the passengers; young girls (one with pink hair) were in very loud conversation with each other and the angelic-looking smartly dressed schoolboys learnt a few facts of life on our journey, but I wouldn't be surprised if they knew most of it already!! Thought the bus terminated at the hospital but as I didn't press the bell I soon found out that it didn't and had another 10-15 mins round the block before I eventually alighted. Had to walk the whole length of the hospital to the Day Care Centre to find Mr. T all done and recovering nicely. After a while he was allowed tea and toast and after another while he was discharged and we were home by 8pm. After which there was dinner to cook and TLC for the rest of the evening and 24hr care thereafter by me, so no work tomorrow.

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