Corran Lighthouse

I noticed a painting of this lighthouse in the Craft and Coffee shop in Glencoe Village and when I looked to see where Corran was I found it was just a short hop from where I've been staying. The lighthouse itself is on the other side of Loch Linnhe on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula and it costs £8.20 each way on the ferry. However, if you leave the car and go across as a foot passenger, it's free and there's only a couple of hundred metres to walk once over there. I got my pics and was back on the next ferry 20 minutes later.

The journey down to Keswick was easy, if a bit dull. It never seems so interesting going away as it does going up there, somehow. I stopped on Rannoch Moor for a couple of shots of Lochan na h-Achlaise with the Black Mount beyond with a little snow left on it. I made a coffee stop at Balloch at the south end of Loch Lomond and took a look at 'Maid of the Loch'. She's the last paddle steamer built in the UK (on the Clyde) and she's gradually being restored to her former glory. I've added a couple of extras and there'll be some more in my other album.

I've been surprised by the number of hearts you lovely folk have left on yesterday's Corpach Wreck, I didn't think it would draw that much attention but it's zoomed up to the top 5 of the Popular page and sits on the first page with Buachaille. I'm humbled by your kindness and I will get round to thanking you all!

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