The day we found Christmas

I was a bit sneaky today.

I knew that there was going to be a band playing Christmas music on Barnstaple High Street today, I also wondered if a brass band might be playing outside Sainsburys - as they often do the week before Christmas...
But I didn't know anything for sure and I didn't know what times.
So I instigated "important" and "necessary" trips to both Sainsburys and the High Street without giving the real reason why. Then the trip wouldn't be wasted because I would get my "important" and "necessary" things done.

Well there was no brass band at Sainsburys - not while we were there anyway, but it's fun shopping for next-to-nothing when everyone else is panicking. I walked around grinning and stepping out of the way of stressed shoppers.
(I think that's called smug)

Then we went to the high street specifically to buy Tess one of the ham and cheese toasties from M&S that she loves so much. They are her favourite apparently.

Then we wandered through the panier market looking at tables of woolly Christmassy gifts (that's good woolly not disorganised woolly) and - would you believe it - the town band walked through playing Christmas songs.
It was very cute. We followed them out onto the High Street then headed home. Result.

At home we discovered the dog had gone off to introduce himself to some local residents, or maybe check out their Christmas decorations. Either way, when he came back he looked very pleased with himself.
We took him to the beach so he could throw himself around but didn't stay too long because Tess has an awful cough and needs to be well for the school Christmas play tomorrow.

Tess and I iced and decorated the mini Christmas cakes we made last week and then we ALL went to the church for Christingle. I was really pleased that the teens were keen to come too and they seemed to quite enjoy it. In fact, all the kids (including Richard) ended up being helpers and handing out Christingle oranges.
Tess wandered off and sat with her friends but the teens stayed with me and toasted their marshmallows on their candles. I managed to sneak Gemma into a photo for a change.
I no longer feel a fraud being an atheist in a church. It's our home, our parish, our church, why shouldn't we be there? It's a beautiful church and the experience brought us together and gave me a chance to sing my little heart out.

What is said in church, on the other hand...
I'll let my children make up their own minds about that.

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