More or less

Tess being an orphan in her school's production of Olivia, the musical (where Olivia asks for less, not more, because the food is so awful)
Tess was so busy looking to see where we were sitting that she missed her first line and had to be prompted.

They performed it twice today and we went to both performances. We had to stand outside the hall for a while and then sit on the floor for the first performance so we went again this evening.

So that's pretty much taken up most of the day.

I tried to give myself a pre-Christmas hairdo this morning, but no one seems to have noticed.

Still waiting to hear about anxiety therapy but I'm getting an idea about how anxiety works - now I know that's what I've got (duh - so obvious now) and I've cognitive behavioural-ed myself a little bit by focussing really hard on only the people I really love, and not a) my own inadequacies or b) people whose opinion I don't want to give a shit about. It's exhausting and my initial reaction to anything is a whoosh of panic -particularly when I look ahead to things, but I'm thinking of it as a ball on elastic that I can pull back in again.

It's difficult to explain how tiring it is - constantly checking myself and redirecting myself like this - it's all-consuming, and I know I will have failures over Christmas. The physical symptoms are threatening already this evening.

But in the past days like today have seemed almost too much to cope with, and I'm determined to mark today up as a success.

If I ever do get the call I shall be passing on some tips to the therapist

If only it were that simple

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