Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Escape from Christmas

However much (or little) you like Christmas, you do have to admit it comes with a lot of hassle, mess, shopping, gubbins, paraphernalia, and seems to take over other areas of life.

I find it all a bit overwhelming if I'm honest. The pressure of what to do where, when, how and with who, and have this, that and the other done, bought, wrapped cooked, decorated and posted is not really me.
Over the years we've gradually reduced how much we do over Christmas because we found we weren't really enjoying it and everyone kept getting ill and over-tired. I'd much rather keep it as simple as possible.

I'm surprised I haven't marzipan-ed the dog and posted him to Australia, to be honest. Often, after presents have gone in the post I wonder if I've got it all in the right packages.

And I really cannot stand being surrounded by piles of cards, wrapping paper and lists.

I just want it all done and the house back to being tidy.

You know - like it was before I became a mother.

Quite obviously, that's impossible, so having a beach to escape to (even in a gale-force wind with a hailstorm) with a big big empty space and lots of un-Christmassy air is bloody lovely. It means I can go home and laugh like an idiot at all the trappings of modern life and think, 'Never mind. I know it doesn't matter.'

I chose this photo because I like the way it is split in 2: one side grey and one side blue. The dry weather from the first part of the walk and then the hailstorm heading towards us from the left as we headed back.

Cor - it was windy and did I regret wearing old thin jeans whilst getting belted by hailstones?

You bet I did.

One word...

So that's it. School broke up today and Christmas is upon us. Tess has come home very happy and excitable after her school had a trip to see Snow White in Pantomime for their last day.

Oh yes she did!

(I think the picture looks better bigger, by the way)

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