
Maybe mixing bottled beers with expensive whiskies is the right kind of drinking session for me because I woke up feeling as fresh as a daisy, this morning. Which was just as well as my train from Euston was at 08:30.

I'm not big on street photography - specifically, taking photos of strangers - but I couldn't resist a long-distance one of the old chap pottering about on his rooftop [extra 1] before I popped across to Finchley Central [extra 2] to take the tube down to Euston.

The journey back north was pleasant enough and then I popped home for while before driving Dan out to Ambleside where he's in a Westmorland Youth Orchestra concert, this evening. We stopped off at Wilf's in Staveley on the way, which was excellent; it was lovely to have a bit of time with the little fella.

I'd been hoping to grab a nice photo of Windermere while I was in the Lakes but I couldn't find the right view, so - sticking with a watery theme - after I'd swum I headed up to Rivington Reservoir. The third of my extra photos is the photo I was intending to post, taken from the road as it crosses the reservoir, but in the end I like this shot best, up on top of the hill with the car approaching. 

No scales
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie

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