Tooby's (or 'In favour of buying local')

Usually, I'll stack the dishwasher in the evening, top it up with the breakfast things the following morning, and kick it off as I leave for work. A couple of weeks ago, though, I was - thank Heavens! - delayed leaving the house and heard an odd noise from the utility room. Popping my head around the door, I noticed, to my dismay, that the dishwasher was leaking.

Well, I turned it off and, that evening, I attempted to be practical and bailed out all of the water from the device and then tried to suss out whether the tube was blocked or the pump was broken. Or something. Anyway, on Saturday, while Abi was recuperating, I went to Tooby's and bought a new one.

Tooby's is a large store in Ingleton that stocks all manner of white and general electrical goods. God knows how they have stayed in business in the age of online shopping but they have and I like to support them, no matter how infrequently. (My fridge and washing machine are my most recent purchases, probably over the last five years.)

Apart from the lofty reason of using a local business, a more prosaic justification for engaging them was that, as well as delivering, they'd take the old dishwasher away. So, this morning, I unplugged the hose - some water issues - and then performed some barbaric electrics around the back. But, finally, it was disconnected from the rest of the house.

Around half-nine, as promised, Tooby's arrived. I'd anticipated that they'd send a chap to drop off the new dishwasher and take away the old one, meaning the new one would probably see active service some time around the end of the summer, once I'd managed to connect it up. But, joy of joys, two men arrived in the van, the first of these approaching the front door with a bag of tools.

And so, to cut what remains of the story short, by ten o'clock I had a fitted and functioning dishwasher as well as a dry utility room. I swear to God, after they left, I looked around the kitchen to see if anything else needed replacing that I could buy from them.

-13.5 kgs
0 words
Reading: 'Lincoln In The Bardo'. STILL!

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