Little Victory

Primula allionii, a 'proper' alpine that supposedly needs a bit of coddling.  Acquired in a plant exchange and now flowering nicely for the first time after a year of my rather part-time coddling :-)   Only a small pot but hopefully on it's way to bigger things.

An early start - 430am - for Jacinta to be with her Mum during a difficult time.  Later in the day it was found that David's medication supply had been leaking leading to a restless night.  Calmer now.  A little after 7am I discovered how peaceful the supermarket is if you get there early and by 830 a chicken casserole was bubbling gently in  the in-laws slow cooker for family and carers to dip into during the day.  When offered some Una was hesitant until told that I had prepared it.  The highest recommendation I could wish for.

A talk to Wells Next the Sea WI this afternoon was a nice distraction  and it went very well.  Another pan of Spanish chicken simmers on the home cooker for Jacinta and I tonight.

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