What a Night!

This morning I woke up feeling quite tight chested, although I don't really have a cough but it eased as the day went on.   I've been lacking in energy again today though, and weirdly the cold isn't coming out, but my voice is quite husky.  I was due to drive to Lorraine's in Kettering for a couple of nights after work, but I've postponed it as I think I need to rest up and get myself right.

One nice surprise this morning was when I got on the scales and saw that I'm only 500g away from reaching a total weight loss of two stone  (Just over 12kgs).  The good thing is that I'm not doing a diet, it's purely been a change in my way of eating and I don't feel like I'm missing anything.  I still have the odd night where I'll have a treat and a glass of wine or two, but then I'm exercising more - not that I've been able to this week!  As a result of this, tonight Alan's been into the loft and brought down bags of clothes that I've not been able to fit into for some time, so over the next few days, I'm going to go through them and sort out what to keep and what to put in the charity bags.

As the weather's forecast to change tomorrow, I arranged to meet up with my Brighton Skies friends on my way home from work to watch the sunset/murmuration.  There was a strange sea mist, which made the light quite magical and as you can see, the sunset was pretty amazing.  The murmuration was great too, but due to the mist it was hard to capture it on camera.  It was still nice to see though, particularly as it won't be long before they stop doing it and move on for the summer months.

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