Brighton Blue

Today has been a wonderful day with friends - this morning Kate joined me at Virgin Active to go swimming as I had a free guest pass.  I did a 30 minute gym session before she arrived and then we went to pool.  I did some exercises first with the dumbbell floats that we use in the aqua gym class and then I started swimming.  I set out to just do 10 lengths, but I actually managed to do 24!  Only slowly but considering my shoulder issue I'm really pleased.  I then jogged up and down with the dumbbells stretching my arms forward and then  pulling them back through the water.  We then rewarded ourselves with the steam room followed by the jacuzzi.

From there we nipped to Asda at the marina as I needed a new swimming costume and after having spent lots of money in the past in M&S and they soon get ruined with the chlorine, I picked up a couple of cheaper ones which are very nice and I can alternate.  

Lunch at White Ciffs Cafe was next where I bumped into an old Blip buddy Magic Moments who I haven't seen in a long time, so I popped over to say hello and have a chat.   Lunch was lovely as usual and Kate and I were sat by the window where it was rather sunny which was nice.

Once home I took the boys out for a nice sunny walk for a change and then I caught the bus into town to meet Stefanie.  We'd originally arranged to meet for a drink but as the weather was nice I suggested meeting earlier and going to watch the murmuration.  Then my Brighton Skies buddies messaged to see if anyone was going, so as Stefanie is also a member of Brighton Skies and has met them before we joined them on the beach.

It was an amazing display once again and the light was wonderful, but it went rather cold once the sun had gone down so there was only one place to head - The Tempest Bar!  As we walked to the bar along the seafront, the light on this sculpture was particularly nice, so as I've blipped the murmuration many times, I decided to blip this instead.

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