
I've not done much for the last two days, due to this virus, but I think the rest has done me good and although I'm congested, I'm starting to feel like I'm shaking it off.  Alan worked from home yesterday, and at lunchtime he drove us down to the Whitecliffs Cafe for Eggs Benedict and it felt nice to get out.  Then in the afternoon I started going through all my 'old' clothes that he'd brought down from the loft.

I carried on today and am surprised at just how many clothes I've been able to get into - I don't know where I'm going to put it all, but it's certainly saved me a lot of money having to buy new things.  The upshot of that is that the washer and dryer have been on all day today.

I did nip out at lunch time today and called to see Julie, my friend from work.  Last year she lost her two elderly dogs, both were about 17, and she now has two rescue dogs.  She got Dexter from the RSPCA in October when he was about 5 months old - he'd be found wandering the streets in Ireland and brought over here.  Then three weeks ago she got Orla who's about 6 months old,  and was rescued from a Portugese kill centre with her mum and siblings.  

Considering they've not had the best start in life, they're both lovely dogs and are the perfect match for each other, so that's worked out well.  Julie's got her hands full though, as they're quite destructive and she was showing me the wooden Venetian blinds in the kitchen that yesterday they'd chewed while she was at work!  Orlas' a pretty little thing though and I managed to get a few photos of her when she finally sat still.

Tonight we've been to the vets with the boys for their 6 month health check, and everything's fine, they've even lost a bit of weight which is good and the vet was quite happy with them.

Anyway, it's Friday, hope you all have a great weekend!


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