Funny what you can discover on a walk!

It was a foggy misty start to the day. 
When I woke around 6.00 am. it was still and quiet outside.  I could hear a blackbird singing his beautiful song in the semi darkness. Liquid notes in the still air.
  The dawn chorus is at the cusp of spring. 
It will gradually become stronger by the week, until it's peak in May. 
By mid morning the sun had dispelled the gloom and we set out for a long walk, stopping for lunch at the farm cafe along the way. 
Warm sun at our backs, with a cool breeze.
Eventually after lunch we came across the skeleton on the bicycle, stopping to go and take a closer look.
Hubby was very interested as it was an artisan bakery with the title " On the bread line" which has a double meaning. 
   The dictionary definition describes it as  "in the poorest condition in which it is acceptable to live" so hence the skeleton! Quite a clever way to advertise your wares! 
  As hubby makes all our bread by hand he was quite keen to take a look inside, but we thought it had closed for the rest of the day. 
I've no doubt he will be back to sample some of their bread.
We went on enjoying the countryside and the sense of spring, finishing up at an independent coffee shop and bar nearer home. The coffee, I have to say, is excellent! 
Extras of our walk.

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