Thrush at the top of its tree.

Sorry, I'm a bit late today. We went to a preview screening of the film "Quartet".
Decent film about the relationships of several old musicians in a retirement home.
Maggie Smith, Pauline Collins, Tom Courtney and Billy Connolly all gave good value.
We spotted this wee birdie while out with Rona this afternoon. It posed quite nicely for a few seconds and then, quite sensibly, flew off sharpish.
Odd old day it has been. Took Andrew to work as his regular lift was starting early. Then we had to wait in for the cooker repair man who turned up with the wrong part (simple clerical error). After lunch it was off to Ali's to look after Euan while Ali went to the antenatal clinic (five & a half week to go!). As a wee midweek treat we had tea/coffee and cakes at the local coffee shop before walking Rona, having tea (Lasagne, my favourite) then off to the flicks. Thank goodness I am not getting the 7.52 tomorrow morning!

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