Seven Sisters

I went to have my nails done this morning, and then took the boys out for a walk before Chloe arrived.  We'd planned to go for a walk and fortunately for us, the weather was amazing peaking at 11 degrees!  

I drove to Seaford and we walked over Seaford Head to Cuckmere Haven, at Hope Gap we went down the steps to the beach and as the tide was out we walked across the rocks to Cuckmere, and then walked back to Seaford.  This is the view of the Seven Sisters, and whilst you can't see the 'sisters' fully from this angle, I've attached an extra so you can see them, together with a valentines heart we found on the beach.

It was a really nice walk which took us about 3 hours in total and we did 13,000 steps. I've mainly used my new lens today and am really pleased with it, so it's passed the test!

Whilst it's Valentine's day, Alan and I exchanged cards, but we don't really celebrate it, so Alan went to his shooting club tonight and I went to Zumba  as usual.  Elif came with me as I had a guest pass, and it was a really good class - my total steps for the day are now a massive 19,000!

I remembered today that it's actually 7 years to the day since i joined Blip with this, I can't believe that I've been blipping for so long, but as I've missed a few along the way, I've not officially reached the 7 year mark yet.

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