Life In Wales

By KarenC

Life in a Bauble

I was up early this morning as I had to be in work for when the shop opened today, and after getting home late last night I've been tired all day! Fortunatley though it meant that I finished at 1.30pm rather than my usual 6.15pm.

So this afternoon I nipped to the shops to finish my Christmas shopping, and saw the Christmas tree that has been erected in front of the Church. I took some photos of it but really like the one of this blue bauble in which you can see the Church. I must go into town at night and see it lit up, I imagine it looks pretty spectacular!

I'll be having an early night tonight as tomorrow I'm going to London for a girly day trip with blip buddy Shoemum. We're meeting 4 other friends from the UK, so it'll be great to have a catch up and see all the Christmas lights. It's ages since I've been to London, so I'm really looking forward to it. It'll mean another late blip tomorrow though, so I'll catch up with you on Thursday.

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