Ich bin nicht ein Hund fan

I'm far more a fan of cats, but this little fellow, Rupert was so nice I could have taken him home. It was rather amusing, I saw him and took a photo of him. Then I wandered out and asked a woman if the dog was still there. It turned out she was his owner and she didn't mind if I took a photo of him, probably just as well I guess.

When I kneeled down to take the photo, he came and put his feet up on my knees and was most sociable, my kind of dog for sure.

Meanwhile the number 1 son perfects his best impression of a magpie when he goes to bed. Tonight in Collector's corner, there was 3 muslin squares, one large teddy bear ('Come here you' I heard him say), two cars, a frying pan handle (wooden toy one, come on we're not that mad), a helicopter and a variety of other bits of childhood debris.

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