Grass on the water

I'm not sure I can even be bothered to bore myself with the minutiae of today.

It's quite upsetting losing most of my day to my - well, lack of purpose I suppose. Even herding words into a blip write-up is hard work and time-consuming. No, purpose isn't the right word. But it's a good example of how I'm struggling to function.
The anxiety is winning again. Currently it's stopping me from thinking straight. I'm losing my train of thought, forgetting what I'm doing and whooshing through hours like a time-traveller. I feel permanently worried and concerned and every little thing seems like a massive deal.
I've been waiting 2 weeks now to hear when my therapy is starting. They're obviously busy and I'm not high on the waiting list so I'm thinking of teaching myself CBT

At least the physical symptoms are holding off for now and I managed a bit of yoga and a walk today. 20 minutes on the beach, enjoying the bright winter sunlight, and the sound and movement of the sea helped for a while.

The photo is of some strange pond thing that's in a tiny, roped-off, privately-owned corner of the beach.

When Tess came home we iced the cakes we made at the weekend and then I haven't got a clue what I did with the rest of the evening other than make a curry.

OOOH - I could shake myself.
Only I know it wouldn't help at all.

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