Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Christmas Rose

The solar panel brackets are still going up.
The Sainsburys shopping had to be done.
The bills had to be paid.

In Sainsburys I saw what I can only describe as a plain-clothes Father Christmas. I reckon he was stocking (<- ha) up on chocolate gold coins.

It's difficult shopping for all the regular food stuff and getting Christmas bits too.
I missed going for a walk today but I reckon I walked enough around Sainsburys. I managed to reduce how much I spend by buying next-to-no meat and buying cheaper versions of things.

Back home I got on top of some shop bills and emails. The loan for our solar panels has been approved and is in the bank - which is a relief. Hopefully the panels are going up next week. I've had to bite the bullet and order a new washing machine and that's gone on the credit card. the next big outgoing is staff holiday pay. We're more than happy to pay people fairly but holiday pay and all the PAYE bills are a big drain and it's a tough time of year...

Tess had football after school and I made another batch of fudge to go in my homemade Christmas presents. This time it worked really well and is yummy. So I bagged it up before it got eaten. I took this photo from the garden just as it was getting dark. The blue is the christmas lights inside. There are a lot of things outside still hanging on like this rose. I'm not cutting things back yet because the birds are enjoying all the floppy seed heads.

Tonight's tea was mostly rice. Fortunately I'm a big fan of rice.

(Ooh -that's quite jumpy, disjointed writing. I'm sure I usually flow better than that... )

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