An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Just around the corner

A very busy day today doing a bit of plumbing. My pump for pumping water from the tanks up the hill to the vegetable beds broke yesterday. Disaster! Veggies have to be watered! Luckily my Dad had an old pump that had been sitting in their garden for somewhere between 9 and 20 years (date on it is 1976) which we spent all day fitting and testing and getting to work properly, and so far it seems to.

So I didn't even get my macro lens out, but took a few photos of the very dry local fields around here on the way back from school - this landscape is very indicative of the area: soil too poor for agriculture, a bit of grazing and lots of gum trees. The few hills with good soil have vineyards, but mostly it's clay. The area has also been mined for gold in the past.

I did try my camera at roller skating tonight and the result was so much better than my old camera - being able to use a higher ISO and get a fast shutter speed made a lot of difference and I almost posted one of those instead, but child No 1 said he preferred this one (neither photo is very exciting I'm afraid!)

(Here is the skating photo, if anyone is interested)

The clouds look a bit weird and painted in, but this is how they really were; all I did was mono it!

You can look at it bigger if you want to...

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