I like to think that it was serendipity or some instinct at least on my part (rather than the fact that we didn't really know where we were) that made our journey from near Parkhead (East End) to Kelvingrove Park (West End) a very circuitous one. Because when we arrived at our destination my friend Matt, who I didn't even know lived in that particular area of Glasgow, just happened to be in the playpark there with his family, including the delightful crawling-towards-me-from-out-of-the-light Ida pictured here. If we'd gone there directly we'd have probably never have seen him. So, all that doubling-back and what-not was well worth it in the end.
And, in a first for this kind of slicing business, tonight's numbers have been picked by tweet. I gave Matt his instructions and he fired me back the following sequence -
8 3 4 2 6 1 7 10 9 5
Music, let's have summat kid-friendly for a change in honour of today's subject. This is magical.
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