
Oh dear, a pretty rubbish ipone picture snapped as the boys were in the bath, through the window of the spare room.  Photography is not at its best today! 

Started the day feeling pretty dispodant, after the news from the childminder last night that she couldn't have the youngest this week, the nursery said they were full today and tomorrow.  So it was a day off work for me, when I really don't need it (not that it ever comes at a good time). I did pitch up for my 8.30 meeting at the junior school with the youngest - they are lovely and laid back, and it was only ever going to be a quick meeting with the Registrar.  

I ended up having a lovely day with the youngest.  Sifted CV's as he watched Tractor Ted and fielded emails through the day.  We spent a lovely couple of hours playing this afternoon before going off to get the eldest, giving him an earlier finish than normal.  So good all round.  The boys had a decent supper and were so well behaved at bath time and bed time.  

The youngest, is, amazingly, learning some manners.  The husband caught him actually putting things away yesterday and today he got up from the dinner table to put something in the bin.  Love seeing the changes in them.  

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