
A cancelled photo trip to The Lakes has left me a little lost as to what to do with this day.
The sun came out a little this morning so I decided on an afternoon at Martin Mere photographing.The cafe at Martin Mere is reasonably grim so stopped in a little independent (pictured in extra) for some lunch which was excellent however by the time I headed for Martin Mere the weather had changed.Drove into a packed car park and decided against an afternoon mixing with the great unwashed and drove home.

Jeff Rebanks was the Desert Island Discs guest as I was driving and very interesting he was.As is customary he was offered the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare both of which he was honest enough to say he could do without.

Afternoon spent cycling which I really enjoyed and should do more off.The Pashley is a joy and no need to dress up in lycra and look like a complete prat.Old men in lycra is simply offensive.

My nephew Tom has passed his motorcycle test.It was nice to talk bikes for a good hour and refreshing that not all young people are wasting their lives on pointless video games.It would be nice to ride with him one day.Hope he is careful out there.

In the picture is one of the new Viola colours we have for this Spring.It is from the Deltini range and I am very impressed with them so far.

Imagine At the moment the BBC has a programme featuring the most influential people of the twentieth century.I wonder how John Lennon didn't feature on the list.

Mild.A bit of sun but mainly overcast and misty.

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