What a day

If it can go wrong it has gone wrong today but at least we have managed to fix one thing after another.
Computers are always the worst of aggravations if they start playing up.It was the turn of gmail today.I wanted to edit a group but could I find where the contacts were hidden.Once all sorted out I started to type and a major irritation occurred.Every programme seems to assume you are using a bastardised version (American) of the English language and underlines correct spelling of words as if they are wrong.For Yanks the clue is in the name ENGLISH.

Tried to do my bit and save the planet today.Set off to the recycling centre with a van full of cardboard and plastic.When we got there it was shut so now we have a van full of rubbish and tomorrow I have to go up to Container Centralen to exchange trollies and shelves.We probably spent an hour loading it all on and it may have to all come off again.

This beautiful instrument stands on my desk and I decided to blip it because over the weekend a reading of 1050.5mb (now known as hectopascal, whatever that is) was recorded.The highest for over sixty years.

Clear and sunny after a frosty start.

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