It's Cool For Cats

My Dear Princess Normal & Dear Fellows,

Today was the first really hot day of summer. I wandered into town.


Said Cazza, delighted.

I try to maintain certain standards. And I'm just not a shorts-wearer. But listen, I was just SO hot. I think if I had put on just a single sock, my leg would have burst into flame.

In town, it was airless and baking. I picked up some stuff from the supermarket and trudged back home, feeling like a sausage on a barbecue. 

When I got home, I found that Cazza had put ice-water in the kitty cat drinking bowls and set up fans and our mini a/c units for the lads. That's the blue glowy thing you can see in the background. 

The lads actually love them. Jasper even miaowed and patted one the other morning to tell me he wanted it switched on. In the extras I've included a picture of him sitting right in front of it.

Thanks to the a/c units our flat is actually pretty comfortable although I must admit I have three, count them THREE, fans aimed at me as I type this. Still I think I may just get through this summer. Just so long as I can avoid socks.


p.s. Just in case you don't have this song in your head yet, here's a link.

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