Return of the Last Disaster Jedi Artist

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess,

So today I finally saw "The Last Jedi" weeks after everyone else. I LOVED it, especially the cute little penguin things with the big eyes. And the ice-kittens. Apparently some hard-core, dedicated Star Wars fans are UP IN ARMS about it though, on the grounds that *SPOILER ALERT* they are a bunch of obsessive d*ckheads. But me and Er Indoors thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

We saw it at the Embassy cinema, which is where they premiered all the Lord of the Rings movies here in Wellington. It really is a beautiful old art-deco building. It reminded me a little of the Dominion inside, but there are no reclining seats and people don't bring you bottles of wine. Which is upsetting.

It's been a good day for watching movies. To be honest, it's too hot here to do anything else, except maybe Margaret Hamilton impressions*. Moving around and doing stuff is out.

I started with "The Disaster Artist" this morning, which I really enjoyed. It is about the making of the world's worst arthouse movie ever, "The Room". I have also seen "The Room" on purpose and it really is entertaining in a "WTF" sort of way. The star/writer/director/producer of "The Room" is a mysterious Eastern European fellow named Tommy Wiseau who screams his lines in a strangled accent and actually says "ha ha ha" instead of laughing.

In "The Disaster Artist", Tommy Wiseau is played by James Franco, who gets the accent so spot-on it is scary. He even fake-laughs just like Tommy. It's a fun film.

And now we are watching "Return To Me", another romantic comedy for Er Indoors. Actually, I kind of like this one myself. For a start, there's loads of Dean Martin on the soundtrack, which is always a good thing. In the film Minnie Driver amusingly falls in love with David Duchovny, who is an architect. Now that I think about it, Tom Hanks was an architect in "Sleepless in Seattle" too. I think architect is the ideal man's profession for women in films. It is because it means the men are artistic and sensitive, but still get to wear a hard-hat and a big tool-belt. 

Why did no-one ever tell me this when I was a young man? No-one ever said, "You should totally be an architect because then women will want to n*b you. Or no, not n*b, but the lady equivalent of that."

It's a moot point now, of course, but it would have helped me as an insecure young fellow, I think. I should definitely have been an architect. Or a Jedi. Or a Jedi Architect.


* I'm meeeelting!

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