Sun setting on 2018

Lovely to have our friend Chris over for lunch - good to see him as he's been in the UK over Christmas. 
We decided to go watch the last sunset of the year...we were not the only ones with that idea, and ended up bumping into all sorts of people! Lots of lovely conversation as the sun set on 2018...
By the end of the sunset, Asha had been invited to the pub for NYE, ha!!! That's 7 year olds in Ibiza for you! So whilst Danny and I are having a quiet evening in together, Asha's out partying with her friend - I didn't think this would start til her teens?!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time to clean this morning, and reflect on the year gone by.
2) Watching the sun go down - always breathtaking.
3) The hope and promise that comes with the new year.

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