Sun in the sky, you know how I feel

Asha didn't get to bed until almost 2,30 last night!!! Needless to say, she slept in this morning! We had a quiet start to the year, and then tootled out late afternoon. We discovered a new park in the forest and ended up at a beach we've never been to (see extra!)'s was stunningly beautiful, especially with those heavy sunset colours! I just loved the heavy golden light in this main pic too - even electric cables look beautiful in gold!

Danny went to Caña Club and later I went up to Sa Penya...loads of young people there tonight...Marcial has asked if I'll do a weekly bible study with the girls. 

Danny's off to the UK super early tomorrow morning for 6 days - eeeeek! 6 days solo with the kids!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A quiet day.
2) Breath taking beauty on our drive.
3) Sa Penya tonight and being able to share a beautiful promise for the Roma Gypsies there. Isaiah 61v9b.

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