Last 2017 sunset

The day started with incredibly sad news from our home church in Sutton Coldfield...Jim & Grace we're thinking of you & we love you. 
The day included...
A couple of hours child-free thanks to Tim & Becky.
A sort out.
A final bbq of 2017 with some of the 24-7ers...including the traditional 12 grapes at 'midnight' (aka 6pm, a kid-friendly NYE).
A steak dinner.
Now a quiet evening in with Danny, welcoming in 2018.

Lots happened in 2017, but the highlight has to be Nate Rafa's arrival in our lives. A ray of sunshine in our family.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Tim & Becky giving us the gift of time!
2) Looking back over a good year...even the tough bits have had good elements...lessons learnt...characters grown a touch more.
3) Nate being on the road to recovery...the meds are doing their job...

A few Flickr pics.

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