cheat Blip....forgot to take a photo:(((
This was taken before the crowds descended on Boxing Day. The Rev realised he bought massive bin liners...big enough to get in...Put the rubbish out!!!

Day of sorting and then we popped into Bromley and I booked up his birthday present...Swan Lake ballet. Unfortunately he’s on duty ( for a change ) so we will have our fingers crossed through most of it!!!
Then the massive debate about rearranging the bedroom set up so O can keep the sofa he bought for the flat and now needs somewhere to put it. A bit of shouting and negotiation and I think we have a plan but it’s going to be even more for The Rev to do alongside 24/6 days a week duty, University, study and helping Dan to move house. Super powers needed and lots of patience!!!
Thankful for ...a conclusion to the room situation

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