Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

East Lothian, Christmas Day

A nice start to the day, woke up a lot later than I normally would for a Tuesday, or even for a weekend day. A lovely slow day, After breakfast, we clear up a bit, I know, we really should clear up before Christmas, then open presents. My partner decides on morning coffee, so the Buck's Fizz will have to wait.

After coffee, I go for a walk up to the Braid Hills. It is very misty across Edinburgh and, as can be seen from my blip, East Lothian. The hills are quite busy from walkers, and so is Arthur's Seat (Extra)

We have a light lunch, and a quiet afternoon. About 4pm, I make the Buck's Fizz, twin 1 and 2 sit with us while they drink their glass.

Christmas Dinner occurs at about 7pm, where we finish off the Buck's Fizz as well. After, my partner watch Jurassic World.

A nice relaxing Christmas Day

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