A confused genius

By Lez11

Cow onesies

My younger sister Rachel and Me were chatting last night and we are going to get my older sister Sam and our neice Emily matching cow onesies for Christmas (pic). Sam once played a cow in a school play when she was at nursery and we have took the p**s out of her ever since.

I woke up this morning positive, thinking my day is going to be good today. When I got into the office I had an email off my manager saying he is off ill and can I cover for him in his financial review with his boss. My positive happy mood soon changed to a miserable bleeder.

I got most of my work done today apart from waiting for a report that was promised me for 9am and I still didn't get it at 5.30pm. I kept phoning, texting and emailing her for the report but she just ignored me. I have this strange feeling I will go into work tomorrow and there will be a restraining order waiting for me for stalking this woman. Why do people make promises they can't keep!!!!

On the plus side the financial review with my managers boss went well but it stopped me from doing my day job. I now have to play catch up tomorrow.

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