A confused genius

By Lez11

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Yet another boring Sunday to report & to make matters worse the wolves match was at stupid o'clock kick off. This means I won't be able to do much before kick off on this day of rest and then I won't be able to do anything after the match when I get home.

I wasn't looking forward to going to the wolves match today, probably because we are playing rubbish and that Sunderland have just appointed Martin O'neil. When I left the house to go to the match the heavens opened up and the sky turned a miserable grey colour. As you can tell my mood was going from bad to worse and on top of that I had to endure a terrible first half. Being a project manager for construction projects I could at least sit and admire the new stand that is being built (pic), and wished I was involved in that project. Anyway the second half was a lot better and we ended up winning 2-1. I even got a text from my mate in Newcastle saying her local pub was jumping as the mackems got beat, hi oh Wolverhampton.

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