A confused genius

By Lez11

A German market

For dinner today I went for a walk around Birmingham to clear me head. The German market is in Birmingham at the moment (pic). This means it takes you twice as long to get to where you need to get to because there are so many people about. However the German market is quality and it does start to get you in that Christmassy mood.

The new car smell has started to deteriorate in my car so I put in the perfect smelly tree combo, blue and yellow. You can not beat a blue and yellow tree combo smell in your car.

My day has been hectic to say the least. In work at 8am, went to a meeting at 9am which finished at 11.30 and then caught up on my emails which took me to 12.30pm, where I went for that walk around Birmingham. 1.30pm I was on a conference call untill 3.30pm then had to go on another conference call from 4pm to 4.20pm. I then decided to finish for the day and get the 4.38pm train back home.

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