When you have a pile of shipping palettes...

...make snowmen!

Family coming tonight for bouillabaisse and profiteroles....
OilMan was at the store at 7am this morning and the queue for crabwas halfway out the door. DungenesCrab has become dei]rigeur for Christmas Eve. Even though we didn’t want crab for our meal we figured the fish counter would be inaccessible and we were not wrong. OilMan went through the back entrance, did an end around through the produce section, tackled a butcher and convinced him to . procure the necessary seafood. Gold Star for OilMan who earned his nap today.

My neighbor, who is Jewish, asked her 4 year old grandson what he would like for Hanukkah and he said, ‘a Christmas Tree’. He is visiting them from Brooklyn so I told her I would be happy to share ours while he is here.

I want to wish all my Blipfoto buddies around the world a very happy Christmas.
May your day be festive, your table be groaning and your families be blessed...


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